Shipping & Returns
Shipping Policy
Our products are fulfilled by a print on demand drop shipper and dispatch from Canada, United States, or other countries, depending on where you live.
If you haven’t received your order or notice an issue with the products, please reach out to our customer support team and we’ll help you get it solved. Please read our Return & Exchange Policy for more details.
If your order’s estimated delivery time has passed and you still haven’t received it, we recommend you wait a day or two because shipments can get delayed for reasons we can't predict. If you still haven't received your order after waiting two additional days, reach out to us and we'll do our best to help you get it solved.
Return & Exchange Policy
Due to our products being made–to–order, we don't accept returns, exchanges or cancellations. But please contact us if you have any problems with your order and we'll work to resolve it in a way that's good for everyone.